NODE2BAY.EXE acts as an interface between G8BPQ's BPQCODE node software and G7JJF's BAYDRV Baycom driver for Windows - that is why it is called NODE2BAY. It allows Windows packet applications which support BPQ (such as WinPack) to be used with BAYDRV and therefore with a Baycom modem. NODE2BAY is not in itself a Baycom driver, BAYDRV.VXD is the driver, which is (c) Jon Welch, G7JJF. If you have any problems using BAYDRV in conjunction with NODE2BAY.EXE, please contact myself, DO NOT contact G7JJF. BAYDRV is a very clever piece of software and I would like to thank G7JJF for giving his permission for it to be used in this application.